Monday, November 9, 2009

Pictures Just Added Taken Nov. 1983

The pictures I've just posted are of the reunion dance for the Buddy Deane Committee Members with Buddy Deane playing the records. And, yes, they were actually "records" in 1983. Rich and I didn't get together until 1989 and, like some other "Deaners", I had the attitude that no one would remember me after all that time, so I never went to the dances. Boy - do I wish I had.

Helen Crist and I had always remained close over the years and she, Dean Nevin and I went to Wurlitzer's in Hunt Valley one night in September of 1988. When we ran into Gene and Linda Snyder it changed my life forever! They asked me if I remembered Rich Tempera -- and of course I did. Gene said he just left and ran to the door and managed to catch him. We danced a few times and we've been together since -- and that was over 20 years now. (We married in 2001)

The last time I had seen Rich was at a dance in 1961 on a Friday night. The Van Dykes were playing at Maiden Choice Teen Center and I went with some girlfriends. Rich was there and asked me to dance, then asked me if I would go out with him on Saturday. I told him I was a bit busy on Saturday and he asked me what I was doing.

I explained that I was out with my girlfriends for a bachlorette party and since the party was for me -- I was getting married tomorrow. Twenty-eight years later -- there we were -- both divorced.

So many "new/old friends" who are now in my life. What a wonderful group it is with a connection from being on the show that few others can understand.


  1. Hi all. WOW, I just found this site after all these years. My name is Tom Lowe, I went by the name of "Corky" while on the committe in 58 & 59, maybe into early 1960. My dad use to pick myself and Eva Anne up from Gwynns Falls Junior High and her Mom would then pick us up after the show. I run into Gene and Linda every now and then but have lost touch with mostly every one.

    For those who get to Ocean City, please stop in and see us at the Blue Ox on the bayside at 127th street. We (DC Hand Dance Club of Delmarva) ( meet currently Monday nights starting at 5 pm. Dance lessons are provided by certified "Hand dance" instructors , Phil & Diane", from 5:30 till 6:30 and then we dance until about 9pm. We have our own "beach music" and sepearte room and bar in the back of the Ox.

    My email is, cell number is 410-365-6569.

    I will keep my nose to your website now that I know it exists. Looking forward to seeing as many of us old dancers that are still cutting the rug.


  2. Eva Anne and Mike Marcellino were my favories. What ever happened to them and do you have recent pictures?

  3. Corky,
    My name was Judy Kerr and I was on the committee in
    1958/59. I will be moving near Ocean City in July.
    Do you remember me. I was in Anne Boyers photo standing on the left of Buddy Deane next to Joanie Tevis....

  4. I found out that my father was on this show. I never got the chance to meet him and would love to hear stories or see pictures of him. His name was Nelson Ray Shiflett. If anyone knew him and could share some memories or even pictures that would be great. My name is Connie and my e-mail address is
